1963 - Days of the Lahaka - Pictures and Songs

That's me - with the white accordion. Behind me, to the right, Nira Rabinovitch and Kobi Oshrat. Facing me, to the left, Gidi Piper (Trumpet), Menashe Glazer, Tzahi Liron (Lipson), Danny Ben Israel, and Bilhah (Chorgel) Yagil
The Hit Songs - Top of the Chart - Top of the World

los_pikudos_tzafonas.mp3 |

kochav_hatzafon_northern_star.mp3 |
Gadi Yagil (left) and I (right) in a Situation Comedy Sketch
Left to right - Kobi Oshrat, Fefe, and I in a Situation Comedy Sketch
Nira Rabinovitch (right) and I (left) in a Situation Comedy Sketch
The Cover Photo

The picture was taken after I had left the Lahaka to become a University student. I came back for the photo opportunity and for welcoming the new accordion player - Eldad (on the right). Bottom from left to right - (Professor) Giora (Kronzon) Keinan, Gadi Yagil, Kobi Oshrat, Avi Perry. Standing left to right - Nitza, Tzipi, Menashe (inherited my accordion), Gidi Piper, Bilhah (Chorgel) Yagil, Elisheva (Eshel) Oshrat, Nira Rabinovitch, Yael (Yaacov) Goldman, Eldad. On the tree left to right - Danny Ben Israel, Tzahi (Lipson) Liron, Fefe (Arie Feldman) (killed by enemy fire during the 1970 War of Attrition with Egypt while entertaining the troops near the Suez canal)