In my latest book--72 Virgins, some of the characters are members of a Jihad fraternity—a collection of Islamic fanatics, misguided by a faith-based hate, who seek martyrdom, whether it’s an individual or a collective goal. Iran is a leading force inside this mad fraternity—a point I was trying to make when writing the book. This is why Iran is so different from India, Pakistan, Israel, when it comes to the question of nuclear weapons.
It is a fact that among the official and unofficial nuclear club members none is controlled by an Islamic religious fanatic leader, whereas Iran is. It is a fact that Islamic religious fanatics have no regard for innocent lives. They believe that Allah wants them to kill anyone who stands in the way to their version of world order. 9/11 proved that point. It is a fact that Islamic religious fanatics take their orders directly from Allah’s earthly self appointed representatives and follow it blindly without a question. It is a fact that Iran’s leader has already announced his intent to wipe Israel off the map. He clearly implied that he would use a nuclear bomb for the task had he had one. There is a strong suspicion that Iran’s leaders view Israel as a requisite bus stop on the way to other Middle-Eastern countries, Europe, and beyond, in their Jihadi mission to cleanse the world from its infidels. Iran is not worried about nuclear retaliation. They are suicide bombers, remember? They are looking for a quick path to heaven, anticipating the great reward of 72 Virgins upon their heroic arrival. There is a strong suspicion that Iran may actually bring its nuclear bomb into play, or let its Islamic comrades experiment with it on real human beings. There is no analogous anxiety when it comes to other members of the nuclear club. But what about Israel? Why does the Western World beg off pressuring the Jewish state to open its nuclear facilities to international inspections? Why is Israel given a preferential treatment on the issue? Apparently, the West, and the US specifically, understand that Israel would not use its nuclear arsenal in battle unless it is attacked or about to be attacked with WMD first. They understand that the Israeli capability is defensive, while the Iranian aspirations are offensive. They understand that Israel is the only country in the world whose citizens rather than their government are targeted for elimination by its religious fanatic enemies. Israel is the only country in the world whose citizens are subject to a massive genocide by those aspiring to nuke it. The North Korean government does not want to kill all of its Southern neighbor citizens. It wants to control them. India and Pakistan do not want to kill all of their enemy civilians. Their dispute is confined to territorial control. All recent wars among nuclear members and other nations amounted to wars, cold or hot, between governments over territorial or political jurisdiction. These objectives are in contradiction to the utilization of WMD. Iran’s “wipe them off the map” call is clearly a departure from the norm. If these neurotic desperados place their hands on this WMD button, the world may actually witness mushroom clouds for the first time since Nagasaki. And that is why Iran should never be allowed to exercise the nuclear potential.
In contrast to a common belief, one promoted by Islamic politicians and echoed by the western media, those who choose to end their lives as suicide bombers do not commit that atrocious act out of desperation. They carry out a mass killing of innocents with the aim of securing their place in heaven next to Allah’s throne. These people are brain-washed puppets, manipulated by cynical handlers and a promise of 72 virgins in Paradise as a reward for their act of martyrdom.
Many suicide bombers are well educated. Muhammad Atta, the 9/11 leader and mastermind, was a trained engineer. Most of his fellow killers had college education as well. They were not desperate people; they were merely brainwashed by extreme religious beliefs instilled in their brains via particular Koran verses. The Koran is to religious Muslims what Hitler’s Mein Kampf was to Nazi Germans. Followers, fans and cult members view it as a holy book. They place their blind faith in every word and every concept put across these texts. Muhammd Atta was an educated man, but nevertheless, he was a cult member—member of al Qaeda. He was selfish. He did not sacrifice himself. He paved his way to his 72 virgins in Paradise through the blood and the suffering of thousands. And so are those Muslims who choose to kill their own Muslim brothers in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other Muslim countries. They don’t even bother to seek an enemy. Their murderous campaign is aimed at accidental strangers who have nothing to do with the suicide bomber’s “dispossessed” state. These murdered innocents are viewed by the murderer as instruments intended to pave his way to Paradise. That’s what he has been told; that’s what he believes. Avi Perry, author of 72 Virgins—Countdown to a Terror Attack on US Soil. |