WHY CAN'T THIS COUNTRY FOLLOW ISRAEL 'S LEAD? Friday February 19,2010 By Chris Roycroft-Davis EXCUSE me for not sending flowers to the funeral of the terrorist the Israelis bumped off in Dubai . Unlike the bleeding hearts in the liberal media I’m not shedding any tears. As military chief of terrorist group Hamas, Mahmoud al Mabhouh had the blood of many Israeli soldiers and civilians on his hands. He was in charge of smuggling rockets and grenades into the Gaza Strip so his murderous gangs could lob them into Israel . He could hardly complain when a hit squad from Mossad, the Israeli security service, brought his life to a swift end. To say he had it coming is an understatement. So why such a fuss about his execution? Why has the Foreign office twisted the arm of the Israeli ambassador? And possibly the most crucial question of all: whose side are we on, the terrorists or those with the courage to stand up to them? The Israelis don’t mess about, they don’t sit back and take it. You kill one of them and they will kill you. And afterwards they won’t explain, they won’t apologise, they won’t even deny it. WORLD opinion means nothing – what ever London , Washington or Damascus may say the Israelis are convinced that they are right. An eye for an eye is the most basic concept of natural justice, dating back 4,000 years to Babylonian times and is promoted three times in the old Testament. Even in the New Testament Jesus says: Those who take up the sword shall die by the sword. Did Mahmoud al-Mabhouh reflect on that as he checked in to room 230 at his posh hotel in Dubai ? He was the man behind the kidnapping and killing of two Israel soldiers 21 years ago; he had been smuggling arms into the Gaza Strip; he was believed to be in Dubai to buy more weapons from an Iranian dealer. If Mossad agents came to call they were hardly there to inquire after his health. Unlike Britain , Israel doesn’t tolerate an enemy within. It doesn’t give those who hate them free housing and welfare handouts. It doesn’t let the right of free speech enable them to preach murder on its streets. Retribution is a vital part of Israel ’s psyche. After the Second World War the Israelis spent half a century tracking down evil Nazis. When Israeli athletes were murdered at the 1972 Olympics their Palestinian killers were hunted around the world and eliminated: one by a bomb in his bed, another by a booby-trapped phone. Who can forget the electrifying raid on Entebbe in 1976 when Israeli special forces stormed a hijacked airliner, killed the terrorists and freed all but three of the hostages? It was a salutary lesson to the world. You’d think that Britain of all countries would understand the need to pull no punches with those who have sworn to be your enemies. That’s what the SAS did in Northern Ireland for more than 30 years, taking out IRA members before they could perpetrate further outrages. It is what our special forces did in Iraq and are doubtless doing in Afghanistan . It is what the SAS should be doing today in Somalia , where British yacht couple Paul and Rachel Chandler are being held by pirates. Can you imagine the Israelis allowing two of their people to suffer so long in some fly-blown African hellhole? Israel has no reason to be ashamed of its actions. As Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman points out: “our security activity is conducted according to the very clear, very cautious and responsible rules of the game.” rule No 1 of course in any security activity is kill or be killed. Where Britain has a right to be upset, however, is the way the Israelis have carried out ID theft on the passports of six of our citizens. It’s not the first time they’ve done it and last time they promised they wouldn’t do it again. One Foreign office source says Britain could cut ties with Mossad if the Israelis have been “found to be acting against British interests”. You might think executing the terrorist might be precisely in our interests but the career diplomats take a loftier view. Gordon Brown says Israel has questions to answer about nicking our passports but the implication is that Britain wouldn’t be in the least bit put out if the Israeli hit squad had used fake documents from Libya , Japan , Peru – in fact anywhere other than Britain . BROWN even has the cheek to spout that “a British passport is an important part of being British”. This from a Prime Minister whose policy was to welcome millions of immigrants so he could socially engineer the country to be less British and more likely to vote Labour. We should take no lessons either from the BBC, which for too long refused to call Hamas suicide bombers “terrorists” and hid behind weasel words like “radicals” and “militants”. Its anti-Israel bias is clear today when BBC News pontificates that Israel “may have scored a costly own goal” by using British identities for what it calls “nefarious activities”. Make no mistake, I think a British passport is the most valuable document in the world and I don’t like it being used to gain illegal entry to another country. But my top priority will always be security and the world is undoubtedly more secure now Hamas has lost another murderer from its ranks.
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Dear Anti-Semite,
With the Haiti disaster and the brave Israeli efforts to help the victims by building the best (and only) real field hospital in Haiti equipped with real, professional surgical equipment, you have an opportunity for a new blood libel, claiming that Jews have come to Haiti in order to harvest human organs from sick and dying people. With the recent vote on Ben Bernanke’s re-nomination for Fed Chairman, you, dear Anti-Semite, have an opportunity to blame him for the present economic recession, which he pulled away from the brink of another Great Depression. You can blame him, then generalize to all Jews, for causing the sub-prime crisis, and the following meltdown of all shadow banking institutions, including your 401K. With Iran’s progress toward the making of a nuclear bomb, you can blame Albert Einstein for discovering the fact that mass (Uranium, in this particular case) can be converted to (nuclear) Energy. You can blame Oppenheimer for transforming that theory into a Manhattan project, then you can generalize to all Jews. It must be their fault that Iran is on the verge of a Nuclear bomb. Without these damn Jews—Einstein and Oppenheimer— and their science, there would have been no problem with Iran. With the latest Bin Laden’s tape, blaming the US support of Israel as the reason for 9/11, you, my dear anti-Semite, can quote bin Laden. You can make him your new prophet from hell, then blame the Jews for Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait, Sudan’s genocidal war in Darfur, Hezbollah’s bombing of the American embassy in Beirut, Somali piracy, and the rotten cheese in your refrigerator. If you want more ideas, check the Koran. It is filled with all kind of goodies that turns you on before you masturbate on a picture of your bonehead. Best _________________________________________________________________
From: John McLaughlin 919 Prince Street * Alexandria, Virginia 22314 * Phone: 703-518-4445 * FAX: 703-518-4447 566 South Route 303 * Blauvelt, NY 10913 * Phone: 845-365-2000 * FAX: 845-365-2008 National Survey of Jewish Voters Date: April 14, 2010 ________________________________________________________________________ Major Findings: I. A plurality of Jewish voters would consider someone else for President. According to the 2008 exit polls, Barack Obama won 78% to 21% among Jewish voters. Now, in the second year of Obama’s presidency, only 42% of voters would re-elect him, while the plurality (46%) would consider voting for someone else. Would you vote to re-elect Barack Obama as President or would you consider voting for someone else? Total Re-Elect 42 Someone Else 46 Don’t Know/Refused 12 II. A significant portion of Jewish voters disapprove of the President’s handling of relations with Israel. Nearly four in ten Jewish voters (39%) disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing handling America’s relations with Israel. This rating is not good for a group of voters who are 59% Democratic to only 16% Republican. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing handling America’s relations with Israel? Total Approve 50 Disapprove 39 Don’t Know/Refused 11 III. Jewish voters do not support President Obama’s plan to recognize a Palestinian state. The majority of voters (52%) disapproves of the Obama Administration supporting a plan to recognize a Palestinian state within two years. The majority of voters (64%) says that Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel, while only 13% say that the United States should force Israel to give up parts of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. Six in ten voters (62%) say that the Palestinians would continue their campaign of terror to destroy Israel if they were given a Palestinian state, while only 19% say they would live peacefully with Israel. More than seven in ten voters (73%) say Israel is right to insist __________________________________________________________________ 2 upon the Palestinians accepting Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state before there are any negotiations about a Palestinian state. Do you approve or disapprove of the Obama Administration supporting a plan to recognize a Palestinian state within 2-years regardless of whether or not Israel agrees? Total Approve 28 Disapprove 52 Don’t Know/Refused 19 Should Jerusalem remain the undivided capital of Israel or should the United States force Israel to give parts of Jerusalem, including Christian and Jewish holy sites, to the Palestinians? Total Undivided Capital 64 Parts to Palestinians 13 Don’t Know/Refused 23 Do you think that if the Palestinians were given their own state in the West Bank, part of Jerusalem, and Gaza they would live peacefully with Israel or continue their campaign of terror to destroy Israel? Total Live Peacefully 19 Continue Terror 62 Don’t Know/Refused 19 The leaders of Palestine have refused to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Is Israel right to insist upon the Palestinians accepting Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state before there are any negotiations about a Palestinian state? Total Yes 73 No 15 Don’t Know/Refused 12 Methodology: McLaughlin & Associates conducted a national survey of 600 likely Jewish voters on April 7th and 8th, 2010. All interviews were conducted via telephone by professional interviewers. Respondents were randomly selected within predetermined geographic units structured to correlate with actual voter turnout. The survey of 600 likely Jewish voters has an accuracy of +/- 4.0% at a 95% confidence interval. |