Two Muslim organizations are moving forward with plans to build a giant mosque near Ground Zero. A 13-story building damaged by debris on 9/11 will be refurbished to become The "Cordoba House" mosque. The plans are prompting outrage in the blogosphere, but the emotional reaction appears to be ignored by the New York City administration.
Most Americans with any sense of history should feel outraged at the Chutzpah and the hubris demonstrated by Muslims who claim that “The time for a center like this has come because Islam is an American religion," and that "We need to take the 9/11 tragedy and turn it into something very positive.” (I need to complete the sentence. Here is the next part)—Like building a memorial on Ground Zero to the “brave” martyrs who sacrificed themselves for Allah by flying those airplanes into the WTC). This new mosque is nothing more than a flag, an icon planted by the victorious army at the heart of their defeated enemy’s headquarters. It’s a symbol--you (enemies of Islam) have been subjugated… When are we going to wake up? Throughout history and starting with Muhammad, Muslims converted other defeated religions’ places of worship into mosques. They transformed that particular practice into a tradition by letting their defeated enemies digest the fact that Islam has supplanted their former religion and their former culture. This practice began with the pagan pantheon of the Ka'aba, in Mecca, then continued with thousands of churches and synagogues. One of the earliest and most famous examples was in Damascus, where in the year 705, Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik took the church of St. John from the Christians and had it rebuilt as a mosque, which is now known as Umayyad Mosque. In 1453, they converted the famous Hagia Sophia cathedral in Constantinople into a mosque, immediately after capturing the city and changing its name to Istanbul. To make the buildings fit for a mosque, the Turks destroyed the icons, plundering their precious plating in the process, and defaced the frescoes. Perhaps one of the most outrageous acts of hubris took place in Jerusalem where Caliph Umar laid the foundation for two mosques—Al-Aqsa and Dome of the Rock—on the Temple Mount, the most sacred site in Judaism. This particular location is the place of the ancient Jewish temple, a place falsely claimed by the Muslims as their pre-historic capital (although it has never been mentioned in the Koran). There are thousands of more examples that are worth mentioning, but we’ll save that for another day. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore or overlook the impending tragedy of the “Cordoba House" mosque. We still have a voice. We still have a chance. This outrageous monument of Islamic hubris must not take place next to Ground Zero. America has not been defeated. We should not become Islam’s Dhimmis. We should object, object, and object, until the mayor of the greatest city on Earth puts on his hearing aid, takes notice, then puts a stop to this irrational plan.
5/10/2010 05:44:16 pm
ashok chhabria
5/10/2010 11:44:32 pm
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