Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is scheduled to deliver his venomous speech to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, September 26, 2012—Yom Kippur. While in New York City, he is being sought by the American media whose thirst for headline-grabbing and favorable TV ratings exceed journalists’ contempt for the man.
There have been calls by various organizations and numerous individuals to limit Mr. Ahmadinejad’s exposure, to impose bounds on the time allowed for his UN speech and to have him temper his rhetoric pertaining to the US and Israel. There were even appeals for banning him from coming to the US. Boycotting Ahmadinejad, restricting his access to the American media, imposing constraints on his UN speech may be emotionally satisfying to all those disgusted with this man. At the same time, it would be a commonsensical mistake. There is absolute value in letting this evil soul, cynical anti-Semite, speak as much as he feels like. One minor reason is—Intelligence. Another—of even greater consequence— is Public Opinion. Let me explain: The more we encourage Ahmadinejad to deliberate, the more information we gather concerning the Iranian regime’s attitude, reactions and intentions resulting from the world’s pressure concerning Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Although Ahmadinejad is a professional facts-denier and a persistent liar, there is, nonetheless, a decent chance that if he talks a great deal, some of what he reveals might open a window into a new Iranian landscape not contemplated until now. It may make us more aware of Iranians plans and intentions; it could prepare us better for our next step. Still, more importantly is the fact that Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric maintains the capacity for turning a peaceful, civilized discussion into a rage-filled ambiance. The bare hypocrisy, the hatred, the insults, the outright lies, the unmasked chutzpah this person spills out on his audience, in the name of his regime, surly makes many people’s blood run cold. War-fatigued Americans are trying to avoid another costly military conflict in the Middle East. President Obama has effected strong economic sanctions on Iran, believing that a growing economic hardship would convince any rational regime that the cost of pursuing nuclear weapons while disregarding the world’s disapproval is simply too high. It has not worked. The Iranian regime has not followed this course of rational behavior. They have not abandoned their destructive path; they have challenged western way of thinking; they have made it clear that the only way to stop their quest for nukes is the military way. The Iranian regime is suffering from a macho syndrome—a product of Middle Eastern Islamic culture. This syndrome clouds their rational reasoning; it prevents the Mullahs from ending their quest for nuclear weapons even in the face of severe sanctions and possible military action. Ahmadinejad’s bold rhetoric must have convinced himself and his followers that Iran can defeat America, can wipe Israel off the map, that the Holocaust is a Zionist plot, and that he is the smartest man next to Muhammad, “the great prophet”. Problem is—most Americans are unaware of the upcoming danger Iran is posing to the world. Many Americans oppose any military action against the Iranian regime and its nuclear factories. Many Americans do not understand that Iran presents a great threat to the US economy and to US security. Some view Iran as merely an Israeli problem, not an American problem. Luckily, Mr. Ahmadinejad, will clarify this issue. He will make good where Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu, has seen only a limited success—convincing many Americans that the Iranian regime is dangerously irrational, that the US could become a victim of its hate-driven, insane Islamic objectives—that it’s time for preventive action. In addition to raising awareness of the upcoming Iranian threat to the US, Mr. Ahmadinejad may be successful in stirring up emotions. His flaming rhetoric, lies, hypocrisy, denial of facts and history, his genocidal threats, and his annoying demeanor would serve to convince the American public that the Iranian regime and its leaders are evil. And if there is a need for military action designed to end this regime’s quest for nuclear weapons, than watching this man’s speeches and interviews during his latest visit to our free-speech country might hit the nail on its head and convince the peace lovers that time is running out. Go watch this evil creature. Go watch him and get mad!!! BIO Avi Perry is currently a talk show host at Paltalk News Network (PNN). He served as an intelligence expert for the Israeli government and was a professor at Northwestern University. He was a VP at NMS Communications, a Bell Laboratories distinguished staff member and manager, and a delegate of the US and Lucent Technologies to UN International Standards body. He is the author of Fundamentals of Voice Quality Engineering in Wireless Networks, and more recently--72 Virgins--a thriller. For more information, visit
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